
Style Guide

Title of the Article

请为您的文章提供一个描述其内容的50个字符或以下的标题. 标题和副标题应采用标题大小写,标题应加粗. 试着在你的标题中包含文章本身的关键词.

This Is My Title

This Is My Subtitle



By [First and Last Name]


Reblogged from [Blog Name]

Author Bios

你必须提供一份100字或以下的个人简介,描述你自己和任何你想分享的相关信息. 如果需要的话,你可以附上永利最新网址和你的网站或LinkedIn个人资料的URL. Check out these descriptions 确保你的简历准确地代表了你的资格. 在博客文章的内容之后,作者简介将显示如下:

About the authorJane Doe是一名自由世界语到克林贡语的翻译…


每篇博客文章(转发博客除外)将配有一张图片. 希望选择自己的图像的作者可以这样做,并在提交文章时提供给TSN团队. 如果永利登录网址认为您选择的图片不适合博客或特定文章,TSN团队保留选择其他图片的权利, 或者是否存在侵犯版权的风险. 如果您不希望选择自己的博客图片,TSN团队将在您发布时为您选择. Images may be selected from,, etc.


Content should be original, unless the post is a reblog, 它不应该旨在为特定的产品或服务做广告. Refer to the TSN Post Guidelines for more information about how to write for TSN. 尽量把最重要和最相关的信息写在文章的开头.



  • When referring to The Savvy Newcomer, The Chronicle, or The ATA Chronicle, use upper case and italics. Also uppercase the following terms: ATA, American Translators Association, Association (when referring to ATA), ATA Annual Conference, ATA Board, and ATA Board of Directors.
  • 只有在用作正式标题的一部分时,才使用大写的“分部”、“委员会”和“分会”.g. “Spanish Language Division”; “the division’s recent activities include…”). 只有在名称之前才使用大写的ATA位置标题(例如.g. “President-Elect Corinne McKay”; “the president-elect delivered her speech”).
  • 除非指的是学位的具体名称,否则不要将学位大写.g. “Master of Science in Underwater Basket Weaving”; “他在弗吉尼亚理工大学获得硕士学位”).
  • 只有当职衔出现在一个人的名字前面时,职衔才大写.g. “Wizarding Manager Jamie Hartz”; “the wizarding manager instructed the students…”).


  • 在连接一个系列中最后两个条目的连词前加逗号.

Lions, tigers, and bears—oh my!

  • When using a dash in place of commas, parentheses, or colons, 使用em - dash (ctrl+alt+减号)而不是en - dash (ctrl+减号).


  • Place commas and periods inside the closing quotation mark.

“Don’t eat that crayon.”

  • Place colons and semicolons outside the closing quotation mark.

She had told him, “We can’t play baseball today”; however, this was incorrect.

  • Place exclamation points and question marks inside 只有当它们是被引用事物的一部分时,才使用结束引号.

“Don’t go near the bat cave!” he shouted.

But you told me not to “pig out”!


  • Avoid large paragraphs, breaking the text up into smaller paragraphs, bulleted lists, or numbered lists whenever possible. Block quotes, tables, and short paragraphs with specific, 清晰的标题也可以帮助你更有效地组织你的写作.
  • Use the "Bottom Line Up Front" method for writing paragraphs; this means that the most important information should be at the start of the paragraph, 因为读者可能会跳过你的段落的其余部分,因为网上的注意力持续时间很短.
  • Use bold and italics to emphasize key words and ideas; introduce a bulleted  list; introduce new terms; and give short examples. Be consistent with your use of these font formats. 除了表示超链接外,不要在文本中添加下划线.
  • 避免使用连句和断句(除非文章的性质要求使用后者).
  • When using abbreviations, 第一次使用的时候一定要拼出完整的术语, 后接在括号内的首字母缩写或缩写(e.g. “The Savvy Newcomer (TSN)”). 在随后出现的术语中,使用首字母缩略词. 常用的首字母缩略词如FBI、ATA、GPS等不需要拼写出来.


  • Italicize all blog names.
  • 只要不过度使用,且符合文章风格,缩略形式是可以接受的.
  • 为了建立可信度和帮助读者了解更多,超链接是可以接受的,甚至是鼓励的. 确保在文本中包含链接,并将在链接中找到的内容描述作为文本(e).g. 关于树懒的更多信息也可以在 this National Geographic article."
  • Spell out numbers from one to ten; for all other numbers, use the numerical iteration.

He ate four pizzas.

She ate 26 pizzas.

  • 使用美式英语惯例,除非帖子是一个已经使用英式或其他英语惯例的博客. 特邀作者被要求用美式英语拼写和语法(如:英语)编写新内容.g. "socialize" rather than "socialise"); is used for spelling references.
  • 尽可能使用主动语态,而不是被动语态.

Alfonso was loved by all.

Everyone loved Alfonso.

  • Style considerations not discussed here will be at the discretion of the author and ultimately the TSN team; the team’s style decisions will generally be based on the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • Please keep in mind the Post Guidelines when writing your article.
  • For more tips, visit this post by Helen Eby on Writing for the Web.